
The Studio

Our Story

Having taught contemporary “Pilates” for a number of years, Channy Oddy became aware that something in her training was “missing”.

Joseph Pilates original method has been changed by the contemporary approach, and not necessarily for the better. Without full immersion in the work, it is difficult to understand the subtleties.

 “My contemporary training was comprehensive, thorough, rigorous and world class. It still stands me in good stead and is the basis for how I approach safety in my class.” says Channy. “However, it is not Real Pilates, and I wanted to learn about the original method.”

Joseph Pilates’s Contrology  (what he originally called his method), It is a systemic approach to the body. A clearly laid out road map to teach the body in front of you. An order of exercises to help you have a fully functioning body.  

He had invented perfectly designed apparatus to help the body achieve these goals and spent a lifetime perfecting it. The size, weight and functionality of the apparatus had been created to achieve a result, anything “other” did not achieve the same results.

After auditioning at the top Pilates training school. Metropolitan Pilates in Seattle, Washington, Channy was accepted as an apprentice to the prestigious M.A.T training program. Undergoing a 9 month 750 hour apprenticeship training in order to gain her certification.  “This was the biggest learning curve of my life. I had to unlearn everything, and relearn the subtle differences that are Authentic Pilates.” she says.

“I was very privileged to have had the opportunity to apprentice under Dorothee VanderWalle, Master teacher and trainer, and to immerse myself in the authentic method.

I wanted to bring this incredible and authentic method back to South Arica and share this life changing method of Authentic Pilates.”

If you want to do it, do it right. – The legacy continues

Mission Statement

To continue the legacy of Joseph Pilates by teaching his original and authentic method of Pilates to the highest standards and with genuine apparatus in order to bring the joy and healing of Joseph Pilates method of body Contrology to South Africa.


In-Studio and Virtual Private Lessons are the best way to improve your skills in the shortest period of time. Work at your own pace and receive individual attention from our dedicated instructor.

Channy is the owner and Instructor at Authentic Pilates in Knysna, South Africa. Qualified in both Authentic and Contemporary Pilates, she has over 12 years experience teaching Pilates in a private one-on-one setting as well as group classes. She is the only South African to have been accepted and completed the prestigious 9 month Pilates apprenticeship program in Seattle with world renowned Master Instructor Dorothee VandeWalle.

She is the creator and producer of the Pilates Body Transformation – 30 Session Inspiration. Available online 

Channy offers a classical Pilates teacher training course for those wanting to learn the original authentic Pilates method

What our clients have to say


Holly Cottage, 5 St Andrew Street, Old Belvidere 

Knysna 6570

the legacy continues




© 2021 Authentic Pilates